If you are experiencing tracking problems in-game with the PSVR Headset and/or the controller you are using, where the actions and movements you are making are not being reflected accurately in-game, we would recommend trying the following:
- Try recalibrating the game. You can do this at any time while playing by pressing the Start button on your Move or DualShock 4 controller and selecting Calibration via the menu, or by simply holding Start for 2 seconds. Ensure you’re standing near the center of the bat symbol when instructed, and that the yellow and gray bat-circles onscreen are completely aligned.
- Ensure that your Controllers are not low on battery power. If your controller does need to be charged, this can reduce their accuracy and responsiveness during gameplay. You can check device power by holding the PlayStation button on your Move or DualShock 4 controller for a few seconds. This will bring up a Power menu where you can view battery life of all connected controllers at the bottom of the screen.
- Play with the ambient light in the room as low as possible. Avoid bright sunlight or bright artificial lights for the best possible experience.
- Ensure there are no colors in the camera view that will clash with the color of the Move controller orbs.
- Ensure there are no reflective surfaces behind you while playing – such as large glass photo frames or mirrors. The lights from the move controllers can reflect off of them and confuse the tracking of the camera.
- Try calibrating your PS Move controllers. On the PS4, go to Settings > Devices > PlayStation VR > Adjust Tracking Lights > Controller to do this.
If you are still experiencing tracking problems after following the suggestions above please try turning your PS4 console off completely by holding the PlayStation button for 2 seconds and selecting Turn Off. After restarting, attempt to play the game again. If this does not resolve the issue for you please contact customer service.
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