Table of Contents:
How to Access League Invasions
You must meet the requirements for League gameplay and be a member of a League.
- Unlock Leagues at Profile Account Level 4.
- Join a League. This can be done by accessing Leagues from the Main Menu and searching for a League. If you have a League’s 5-digit League ID#, you can enter it here to join that League.
- Once you are in a League, tap on the Leagues button on the Main Menu to go to your League’s home page. League Invasions is the first button in the list of League activities, the leftmost option titled “League Invasions.”
Main Menu with League Button
League Invasions Button - Preparation Phase
Preparation Phase
(Monday @ 3 PM - Saturday 3 PM GMT)
During the Preparation Phase, the main goal is to prepare your base for the next Attack Phase, which starts on a Saturday. Each Preparation Phase lasts 5 days.
Continue reading below for more detail on how to prepare your League Base.
League Invasions Base View During Preparation Phase
- While viewing your base during the Preparation Phase, you can prepare your base with any of the 3 activities:
- Facilities
- Outposts
- Donate to upgrade Base Supply
There are 5 total Facilities that affect the following Hero Classes:
Gadget Storage Tech |
Laboratory Metahuman |
Paranormal Research Arcane |
Surveillance Complex Agility |
Training Grounds Might |
Tapping on a Facility opens the Facility Details Menu.
From here you can upgrade different aspects of this Facility and upgrade & choose the Active Buffs for the next Attack Phase. For this example, we’ll use the Paranormal Research Facility
Facility Details Menu
Each Facility provides a bonus to the base Attack and Health for a specific Hero Class. These bonuses are applied to all Heroes of the League, on both Offense and Defense. For this example, the Paranormal Research Facility only provides its bonuses to Arcane Class Heroes.
There are 2 ways to improve a Facility:
- Upgrade Facility Level
- Edit Facility Buffs
Upgrade Facility Level
Within the Facility Details Menu, along the bottom middle of the menu is an Upgrade button. This allows you to upgrade this specific Facility, so in this case the Paranormal Research Facility. Tapping on “Upgrade” brings up the Facility Upgrade menu.
Facility Upgrade Menu
From here, you can see information about this Facility such as its current Level & bonus values, as well as how they will improve when the new level is reached.
Note: New Active Buff Tiers are unlocked at specific Facility Levels, generally every 10 Facility Levels.
Upgrading a Facility requires Credits. Credits can be earned throughout the game or purchased directly from the Store. You can choose the amount you wish to invest towards the upgrade with the Currency Slider. To choose your investment, you can either drag the indicator on the slider to the left or right, or use the “+” and “-” buttons to increase or decrease the value by a set amount. When you are satisfied with your choice, tap the Apply button to add your contribution.
The position of the indicator also indicates the upgrade progress towards the next level. This progress is a combination of all of your League Member’s contributions, not just your own. In order for the Facility to upgrade to the next Level, the Currency Slider must be completely filled with the indicator all the way on the right side.
Facility Level upgrades are permanent and do not reset after each League Invasion Season or Split.
The maximum Level for each Facility is Level 40.
Edit Facility Buffs
Within the Facility Details Menu, along the right side of the menu is the Facility Info section. This shows the bonus values granted by the Facility’s Level and the list of Active Buffs.
Active Buffs provide passive bonuses during the Attack Phase to certain Hero Classes while attacking or defending.
You can tap on an Active Buff to see its details.
Facility Active Buff Info Popup
The Active Buffs section shows the current Active Buffs assigned to this Facility, along with the Buff Tier unlock states. Each Facility can have a maximum of 4 Active Buffs based on the Facility’s Level. If a Buff Tier is not yet available, it presents as locked along with its Level requirement.
Using the Paranormal Research Facility as an example, it is Level 8. Therefore, It only has the first Buff Tier available, and the rest must be unlocked by upgrading the Facility. Tier 2 becomes available at Level 11, Tier 3 at Level 21, and Tier 4 at Level 31.
Level 8 Paranormal Research Facility Active Buff assignment
Once a Buff Tier is unlocked, it presents as an unassigned icon (a “+”). A League Officer can now assign an Active Buff to this slot.
For this example, the Paranormal Research Facility is Level 8, so it only has Tier 1 available.
Active Buff Menu
Tapping on either an unassigned Active Buff (a slot with a “+” icon) or the “ALL” button opens the Active Buffs sub-menu. From here you can choose which Active Buffs to upgrade, and League Officers can choose which Active Buff is assigned to each Tier.
Each Outpost has 8 total Active Buffs available, grouped as pairs within Tiers that are unlocked by Facility Level. League Leaders/Officers can select any combination of unlocked Buffs, including both within the same Tier. Each Facility can have a max of 4 Active Buffs selected. The additional Buffs are unlocked at Outpost Level 11, 21, 31.
There are horizontal indicators to show which Hero Classes are affected by each Buff Tier.
- Tiers 1 & 2 only give their bonuses to the Hero Class for this Facility.
- Tiers 3 & 4 give their bonuses to all Heroes.
For this example using the Paranormal Research Facility, Tier 1 & Tier 2 will only affect Arcane Heroes.
Class Specific indicator for Tier 1 & 2
All Hero Class indicator for Tier 3 & 4
Tapping on Active Buff brings up two options
- Upgrade = Improve the effectiveness of the Buff
- Select/Deselect Buff = League Officers only. Can choose which of the two Buffs within a Buff Tier is active.
Selected Buff menu options
Tapping on Upgrade brings up the Facility Active Buff Upgrade menu.
Facility Buff Upgrade Menu
From here, you can see information about this Active Buff such as its current Level & bonus values, as well as how they will improve when the new level is reached.
Upgrading a Facility Buff requires Arena Medals. Arena Medals can be earned by participating in the Arena game mode.
You can choose the amount you wish to invest towards the upgrade with the Currency Slider. To choose your investment, you can either drag the indicator on the slider to the left or right, or use the “+” and “-” buttons to increase or decrease the value by a set amount. When you are satisfied with your choice, tap the Apply button to add your contribution.
The position of the indicator also indicates the upgrade progress towards the next level. This progress is a combination of all of your League Member’s contributions, not just your own. In order for the Buff to upgrade to the next Level, the Currency Slider must be completely filled with the indicator all the way on the right side.
All Facility Buff upgrades are permanent and do not reset after each League Invasion Season or Split.
Buff upgrade levels are limited by its Outpost Level, on a 1 to 1 basis in terms of Tiers.
For example, an Outpost Level of 21 thru 30 allows for Tier 1 & 2 Buffs to upgrade between 1 to 10. To upgrade Tier 3 Buffs, the Outpost must be at least Level 32.
The maximum Level for all Buffs is Level 10.
Select/Deselect Buff
If you are a League Leader or Officer, while a Buff is selected you can tap the Select/Deselect button to assign it to this Facility. These Buffs can be switched at any time during the Preparation Phase. Once the Attack Phase starts, the chosen Buffs become locked can’t be changed until the next Preparation Phase begins.
If you are not a League Leader or Officer, you can only view the Buffs and upgrade them. You will not be able to select which Buffs are assigned to your League Base.
Facility Buff assignments can be changed anytime throughout the Preparation Phase, but once the Attack Phase starts and the base has been readied, all Active Buffs will be locked in and cannot be changed until the start of the next Split.
Tapping on an Outpost opens the Outpost Details Menu.
From here you can assign Heroes to support and defend the Outpost, and upgrade & choose the Active Modifiers for the next Attack Phase.
Each Outpost is a defensive fortification that is attacked by opposing Leagues during the Attack Phase. Defeating the Defensive Heroes in all 4 Outposts conquers the League Base.
There are 4 ways to improve a Outpost:
- Assign Deck Heroes
- Assign Defenders
- Upgrade Outpost Level
- Upgrade Active Modifier Levels
Assign Deck Heroes
Within the Outpost Details Menu, along the bottom right corner of the menu is the Deck button. This allows you to assign Heroes into the Outpost as either a Support hero or a Defender. Tapping on “Deck” brings up the Deck Assignment menu.
Deck Assignment Menu
From here you can add Heroes to this Outpost’s Deck. The top section of the menu is your list of Heroes that are assigned to this Outpost. The bottom section is your list of Heroes from our roster. You can add and remove Heroes by dragging and dropping Heroes between these sections.
The number of Heroes each Member can assign to the Deck is based on the Outpost Level. The limit is shown in the bottom right of this menu in between the “Close” and “Defenders” buttons.
Outpost Deck assignments can be changed anytime throughout the Preparation Phase, but once the Attack Phase starts and the base has been readied, all Outpost Decks will be locked in and cannot be changed until the start of the next Split.
Note: Currently Outpost 1 has a unique requirement that only Silver Heroes can be assigned to this Outpost. These requirements are also for attacking this Outpost as well. The requirements for Outposts 2, 3, & 4 have none, and all Heroes can be assigned and used during attacks. In the future, a League Invasion season could have different Outpost Requirements.
To see the requirement for an Outpost, tap on the Info button [i] next to the Filter Button.
Assign Defenders
Only League Leaders and Officers can edit Outpost Defensive teams, however League Members can view the Defensive teams.
Heroes that have been added to an Outpost’s Deck are available to assign as a Defender. Each Outpost has its own list of Heroes based on the Heroes assigned to their Outpost Deck.
Assign Defenders Menu
The top section of the menu is the Defensive Team. The bottom section is the list of Heroes in this Outpost’s Deck. You can add and remove Heroes by dragging and dropping Heroes between these sections. You can use the arrow buttons on either side of the Defensive team to cycle through your Outposts.
The same Hero can be added multiple times into the same Outpost, as multiple League Members can add the same Hero. Members are not prevented from adding Heroes based on who other Members have added. Each Hero has a label to show which Heroes were added by each League Member.
Defensive assignments can be changed anytime throughout the Preparation Phase, but once the Attack Phase starts and the base has been readied, all Defenders will be locked in and cannot be changed until the start of the next Split.
Upgrade Outpost Level
Within the Outpost Details Menu, along the bottom middle of the menu is an Upgrade button. This allows you to upgrade this specific Outpost. Tapping on “Upgrade” brings up the Outpost Upgrade menu.
Outpost Upgrade Menu
From here, you can see information about this Outpost such as its current Level & bonus values, as well as how they will improve when the new level is reached.
Note: The number of Heroes a League Member can assign into each Deck is based on the Outpost’s Level. Every 10 Outpost Levels, each League Member can add an additional Hero.
Upgrading an Outpost requires Credits. Credits can be earned throughout the game or purchased directly from the Store. You can choose the amount you wish to invest towards the upgrade with the Currency Slider. To choose your investment, you can either drag the indicator on the slider to the left or right, or use the “+” and “-” buttons to increase or decrease the value by a set amount. When you are satisfied with your choice, tap the Apply button to add your contribution.
The position of the indicator also indicates the upgrade progress towards the next level. This progress is a combination of all of your League Member’s contributions, not just your own. In order for the Facility to upgrade to the next Level, the Currency Slider must be completely filled with the indicator all the way on the right side.
Outpost Level upgrades are permanent and do not reset after each League Invasion Season or Split.
The maximum Level for each Outpost is Level 40.
Edit Outpost Modifiers
Within the Outpost Details Menu, along the right side of the menu is the Outpost Info section. This shows the bonus values granted by the Facility’s Level and the list of Active Modifiers. Active Modifiers provide passive bonuses to the Heroes defending this Outpost during the Attack Phase, making it more difficult for opponents to take down your League’s Outpost.
You can tap on an Active Modifier to see its details.
Outpost Active Modifier Info Popup
The Active Modifiers section shows the current Modifiers assigned to this Outpost, along with the Modifier Tier unlock states. Each Outpost can have a maximum of 4 Active Modifiers based on the Outpost’s Level. If a Modifier Tier is not yet available, it presents as locked along with its Level requirement.
Active Modifier Menu
Tapping on either an unassigned Active Modifier (a slot with a “+” icon) or the “ALL” button opens the Active Modifiers sub-menu. From here you can choose which Active Modifier to upgrade, and League Officers can choose which Active Modifier is assigned to each Tier.
Each Outpost has 8 total Active Modifiers available, grouped as pairs within Tiers that are unlocked by Outpost Level. League Leaders/Officers can select any combination of unlocked Modifiers, including both within the same Tier. Each Outpost can have a max of 4 Active Modifiers selected. The additional Modifiers are unlocked at Outpost Level 11, 21, 31.
Tapping on Active Modifier brings up two options
- Upgrade = Improve the effectiveness of the Modifier
- Select/Deselect Modifier = League Officers only. Can choose which of the two Modifiers within a Modifier Tier is active.
Tapping on Upgrade brings up the Outpost Modifier Upgrade menu.
Outpost Modifier Upgrade Menu
From here, you can see information about this Active Modifier such as its current Level & bonus values, as well as how they will improve when the new level is reached.
Upgrading an Outpost Modifier requires League Credits. League Credits can be earned by participating in League activities.
You can choose the amount you wish to invest towards the upgrade with the Currency Slider. To choose your investment, you can either drag the indicator on the slider to the left or right, or use the “+” and “-” buttons to increase or decrease the value by a set amount. When you are satisfied with your choice, tap the Apply button to add your contribution.
The position of the indicator also indicates the upgrade progress towards the next level. This progress is a combination of all of your League Member’s contributions, not just your own. In order for the Modifier to upgrade to the next Level, the Currency Slider must be completely filled with the indicator all the way on the right side.
All Outpost Modifier upgrades are permanent and do not reset after each League Invasion Season or Split.
Modifier upgrade levels are limited by its Facility Level, on a 1 to 1 basis in terms of Tiers.
For example, a Facility Level of 21 thru 30 allows for Tier 1 & 2 Modifiers to upgrade between 1 to 10. To upgrade Tier 3 Modifiers, the Facility must be at least Level 32.
The maximum Level for all Modifiers is Level 10.
Select/Deselect Modifier
If you are a League Leader or Officer, while a Modifier is selected you can tap the Select/Deselect button to assign it to this Outpost. These Modifiers can be switched at any time during the Preparation Phase. Once the Attack Phase starts, the chosen Modifiers become locked and can’t be changed until the next Preparation Phase begins.
If you are not a League Leader or Officer, you can only view the Modifiers and upgrade them. You will not be able to select which Modifiers are assigned to your League Base.
Outpost Modifier assignments can be changed anytime throughout the Preparation Phase, but once the Attack Phase starts and the base has been readied, all Active Outpost Modifiers will be locked in and cannot be changed until the start of the next Split.
Base Supply
Tapping on the Base Supply button will take you to the Base Supply upgrade page. The Base Supply increases Base Efficiency, which gives additional boosts to Outposts and Facilities.
From here, you can see information about the Base Supply such as its current Level & bonus values, as well as how they will improve when the new level is reached.
Upgrading the Base Supply requires several resources = Credits, League Credits, and Arena Medals. These can be earned from various game modes.
You can choose the amount you wish to invest towards the upgrade with the Currency Slider. To choose your investment, you can either drag the indicator on the slider to the left or right, or use the “+” and “-” buttons to increase or decrease the value by a set amount. When you are satisfied with your choice, tap the Apply button to add your contribution.
The position of the indicator also indicates the upgrade progress towards the next level. This progress is a combination of all of your League Member’s contributions, not just your own. In order for the Base Supply to upgrade to the next Level, the Currency Slider must be completely filled with the indicator all the way on the right side for all Currency Sliders.
At the start of each Split, the Base Supply Level resets back to Level 0. This is the only base upgrade that must be upgraded multiple times.
The maximum Level for the Base Supply is Level 10.
Ready Base
Once your League is satisfied with the way your Base is set up, your League Leader or Officers must tap on the Base Ready button. This indicates that your Base is ready for the Attack Phase and can engage in matchmaking during the Attack Phase.
Attack Phase
(Saturday @ 3 PM - Monday 3 PM GMT)
During this phase your main goal is to defeat opposing Leagues within a set amount of time and attempts.
Each Attack Phase lasts 2 days.
Attack Process
When the Attack Phase begins, if you are in the game a notification appears to let you know that the Attack Phase is now available to play. The League Invasion button within the Leagues Menu changes its state to show you the Attack Phase is active and how much time is remaining.
Attack Phase Notification
League Invasion Button Attack Phase Active
Your Invasion Base is now in the locked state, and none of your Buildings can be modified. The Attack Phase is a series of League Battles. The number of League Battles available for this Attack Phase are shown in the upper left corner underneath your League , along with how much time is remaining for the entire Attack Phase. League Battles available are shown as a row of boxes, with filled in boxes available League Battles and empty boxes used League Battles.
League Base during Attack Phase
Attack Phase Status & Info
The lower right corner shows the status of the League Battle availability. League Battles must be started by a League Leader/Officer. If a Leader/Officer has not yet started a League Battle, this section shows that one is available but has not yet been started. Starting a League Battle begins matchmaking to find an opposing League to fight. When an opponent is found, this section changes to a “Fight” button that lets League Members fight the opposing League. It also shows the time remaining for this League Battle inside the “Fight” button.
Leagues should coordinate with their Leader/Officers to start League Fights as soon as they become available.
Each time your League finds a League to attack, your entire League has 3 hours to try and defeat every single Outpost. Each Member has a limited number of attempts per League Battle. Attempts reset every League Battle.
League Battle Ready States
Once your League has a League to fight, tap on the “Fight” button to open the Pre-Battle Menu. From here, you can choose an Outpost to battle. This flow is very similar to the Pre-Battle Menu for Arenas. Tap on the Up and Down arrows above and below the Defensive Team along the right side of the menu to choose which Outpost to attack. Coordinate with your League to defeat the 3 Defenders in all 4 of the opposing League’s Outposts.
League Battle Pre-Battle Menu
Both teams have Modifiers for League Fights. You can see these by tapping on the “Modifiers” Button. These are a combination of the Outpost Modifiers and Facility Active Buffs of each League’s Bases. Your League’s Modifiers are on the left side, and the opposing League’s Modifiers are on the right side.
Outpost Battle Modifiers
The teams you use for League Battles must meet the requirements for each Outpost. Each Outpost has different requirements, which you can view by tapping on the [i] button in the bottom middle of the menu.
Outpost Team Requirements
You can edit your team with the “Edit Team” button in the lower left corner of the Pre-Battle Menu. This flow is very similar to the Team Select Menus for other game modes. The difference here is that the Heroes you assigned into Outposts during the Preparation Phase are not available to use. They will have a label on them to show you who was assigned and is now not available. Also, the Outpost’s requirements are shown below your selected team, with a status check mark to show if your current team meets the requirements.
League Battle Team Select
When a League Battle is over, you are presented with a summary of how much damage you dealt, the status of the Defending Heroes, and the League Invasion Points you earned. This is a factor of how much damage your team dealt.
When you return to the Pre-Fight Menu, you’ll see that some of your options are now Exhausted. This means they can’t be used again for the rest of this League Battle.
- Heroes = They become usable again for the next League Battle.
- Artifacts = They have a cooldown, and can only be used again once the cooldown has ended.
The Health values of the Outpost’s Defenders are shown with Health Meters on each Hero Portrait, including if they have been defeated.
You can see the status of your Hero’s Artifacts with a status icon on each Hero.
- Green Icon: Available
- Red Icon: Not Available and in cooldown
- No Icon: Hero does not have an Artifact equipped
Artifact Availability Icons
Fighting is the way to earn Invasion Points for your League. The more damage you deal, the more Invasion Points you contribute. Defeating Defenders earns even more points for your League, so participating in as many League Battles as possible is crucial to maximizing the amount of League Points your League can earn during the entire Attack Phase.
Whether or not your League is able to defeat all Defenders during the League Battle’s 3 hour duration, it ends and a new League Battle can be started. If your League wins the League Battle early, your League can start another League Battle right away.
Battle Logs
The League Points earned from all League Members are added together to generate the final League Points for your League’s Leaderboard placement and Division promotion/demotion opportunities. You can view your League’s standings with the Battle Logs Menu.
Battle Logs let you view your League’s Progress in the entire League Invasion season. The top section of the menu shows your League’s overall progress and status, including its promotion status. There are buttons to switch the view below between the Battle Logs or the Leaderboard.
For Battle Logs, each Split has its own set, divided into Offensive and Defensive Point totals. Along the bottom of the menu, you can use the arrow buttons to cycle between each League Fight that has taken place during this Split.
Battle Logs Offensive
The Offensive section lists the League Point totals earned from all Outposts of the base. These are the combined points from all League Members based on the damage they have dealt. Also shown is if your League defeated each Outpost during this League Fight. Each Outpost will show as “Survived” or “Defeated”.
Battle Logs Defensive
The Defensive section lists the League Point totals earned from your Outposts while defending. Also shown is if your Outposts were defeated during this League Fight. Each Outpost will show as “Survived” or “Defeated”.
The League Points for each Outpost are based on whether they were defeated. Defeated Outposts earn 0 Points, but the time it took to defeat them earns additional points, which are included in the “Total Points for this Invasion” display.
Note: The total number of Offensive and Defensive League Battles that can take place during each Attack Phase are different totals:
- Offensive Battles = the number of times your League Leader/Officers began a League Battle.
- Defensive Battles = the number of times your League was found as an opponent by opposing Leagues.
That’s all there is to it!
Each week is a new Split. Each League Invasion Season has 4 Splits. Each Split consists of a Preparation Phase active from Monday to Friday and an Attack Phase active from Saturday through Sunday.
You can learn more about the different League Invasion Seasons here.
Utilize the Preparation Phase to make your Base and Defenders stronger by Upgrading Heroes, Outposts, and Facilities. When the Attack Phase starts, participate as much as possible to earn the highest amounts of Invasion Points for your League.
At the end of a Split, Split Rewards are sent to your Inbox. At the end of the Invasion Season, Final Split Rewards are sent based on your League’s placement in the Seasonal Leaderboards (coming soon). These Final Split Rewards include an Artifact Chest, a Hero Chest, and Consumables. Based on your League’s Division, the chance for chests to drop Legendary Shards increases, and the highest Division Tier’s Hero Chest rewards guaranteed Legendary Shards!
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