Table of Contents
- Introduction to League Invasions
- League Base: Outposts
- League Base: Facilities
- Base Supply
- League Invasions Phases
- Battle Rules
- Divisions, Points, Rewards
Introduction to League Invasions
League Invasions is a new game mode where leagues are trying to upgrade and defend their base and invade other leagues' bases to fight for glory and great rewards. League Invasions is only available to players who are at least account level 4 and have joined a League.
All players in a league will be able to access League Invasions, which includes your League Base. It has different buildings divided into two types: Outposts and Facilities.
League Base: Outposts
There are 4 Outposts in the base. Outposts have 3 Defender slots and a number of Deck slots, which increase with Outpost level. Players can assign their heroes to Outpost Deck, with a 10% limit of the overall Deck capacity per League Member. The League leader and officers can then choose a team of 3 heroes from the Deck and assign them as Defenders. Each hero in the Deck shares his Health and Attack with Defenders. Shared Health and Attack are calculated based on the base Health and base Attack of Deck heroes. These shared values increase with Outpost level.
Additionally, each Outpost has a set of Modifiers. These are unique abilities which are only applied to your Defenders. At Outpost Level 1, only one Modifier slot is available, which can be assigned one of two Level 1 Modifier options. Upgrade Outposts with Credits to unlock additional Modifier slots, new Modifiers, and new levels for existing Modifiers. Upgrade Modifiers with League Credits to increase their level.
Note: Even though every Outpost has an identical set of Modifiers, they are upgraded separately.
Note: Shared Health and Shared Attack bonuses are based on the rarity of the heroes in an Outpost Deck. Try to have as many Legendary heroes as possible in your Outpost Decks for maximum efficiency.
Note: Only the League Leader and Officers can assign Defenders to an Outpost and choose and switch Outpost Modifiers
League Base: Facilities
There are 5 Facilities in the base corresponding to the hero classes. Players can spend Credits to upgrade them to level 40. Every Facility has a bonus to base Health and base Attack for heroes of their corresponding class.
Additionally, each Facility has a set of Buffs. These are unique abilities like Modifiers, but applied not just to the Defenders, but to all the heroes in League Invasions game mode. At Facility Level 1, only one Buff slot is available, which can be assigned one of two Level 1 Buffs options. Upgrade Facilities to unlock additional Buff slots, new Buffs and new levels for existing Buffs. Upgrade Buffs with Arena Medals to increase their levels.
Note: The first 4 Buffs (unlocked at level 1 and level 11 for every Facility) only affect heroes of their corresponding class, while the last 4 Buffs (unlocked at level 21 and level 31 for every Facility) affect heroes of all classes.
Note: Only the League Leader and Officers can choose and switch active buffs in Facilities
Base Supply
While Building, Modifier, and Buff upgrades are permanent, Base Supply is a temporary enhancement, which lasts one Split and needs to be funded again at the start of every new Split. Players can invest Credits, League Credits, and Arena Medals to upgrade the Base Supply level, which results in higher efficiency of your base.
Base Supply bonus increases the following values:
- Shared Health and Shared Attack from Outposts
- Outpost Modifier values
- Bonus Health and Bonus Attack from Facilities
- Facility Buff values
League Invasions Phases
The League Invasions game mode consists of Seasons and Splits. Each Season consists of 4 Splits that each last one week, divided into two parts: Preparation Phase and Attack Phase.
League Invasions: Preparation Phase
The preparation Phase lasts 5 days - from Monday to Friday. During this phase, players can upgrade Buildings, Buffs, Modifiers, Base Supply, and assign heroes to Outpost Decks. The League Leader and Officers can assign Defenders and choose Buffs and Modifiers. After all the preparation is done and every Outpost has 3 Defenders assigned, the League Leader and Officers are able to lock the base, meaning no base modifications can be made and the base is ready for the Attack Phase.
Note: While still in the Preparation Phase, the League Base can be locked and unlocked as much as needed, but as soon as the Attack Phase starts, the base cannot be unlocked anymore.
League Invasions: Attack Phase
The attack Phase lasts 2 days - Saturday and Sunday. During this phase, you will be able to fight other League Bases. Your League has 4 fights per day, each fight lasting 3 hours. During this time, players should cooperate and defeat as many enemy Outposts as possible. As in League Raids, each defending hero’s Health will be saved after battle, and players can attack the same Outpost simultaneously.
The end of the Attack Phase is also the end of the Split, meaning the next Split will start right after it with another Preparation Phase.
Battle Rules
There are some exclusive rules that are applied only to the League Invasions game mode:
- All healing effects are disabled for Defenders
- All revive\resurrect effects are disabled
- Health and Attack for Shields and Summons use their base values and do not gain from Shared Health or Shared Attack bonuses
- Effects that are applied to the whole roster are not used, except the case where one team of Defenders contains all related heroes
- Healing abilities and passives that usually affect the entire team only affect the hero with the ability or passive and not their teammates
- Artifacts in League Invasions have Charges. Once you use an artifact in a battle, it will take some time to recharge.
Divisions, Points, Rewards
League Invasions have a similar leaderboard structure to Champions Arena. It has 10 divisions. All leagues start from bottom and should climb up to top divisions to get better rewards.
All Leagues will start at Division 10. Each Division has unlimited capacity, and only a certain percent of leagues will promote or demote from the current Division at the end of each Split.
Division 1: bottom 65% demote
Division 2: top 15% promote, bottom 55% demote
Division 3: top 20% promote, bottom 50% demote
Division 4: top 35% promote, bottom 45% demote
Division 5: top 25% promote, bottom 45% demote
Division 6: top 25% promote, bottom 40% demote
Division 7: top 30% promote, bottom 35% demote
Division 8: top 35% promote, bottom 30% demote
Division 9: top 40% promote, bottom 30% demote
Division 10: top 40% promote
To promote to the higher division, Leagues need to earn Invasion Points. At the end of every Split, Leagues earn Invasion Points based on their activity during that Split’s Attack Phase. Leagues also get rewards and could promote or demote their division. The final Split of the Season (fourth Split) has a much better reward pool.
Players have several ways to earn Invasion Points:
- 1 Point after attacking an Outpost, for each 1% of Defender hero HP
- 25 Points for defeating an opposing League’s Outpost
- 50 Points for defeating all opposing League’s Outposts
- 0.5 Points for each 1% Health left on your Outpost Defenders at the end of the Attack Round
- Gain Points based on how long it took an opposing League to defeat all your League’s Outposts, with a maximum of 300
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